Year 4 - Robins
Welcome to Year 4!
Welcome to Robins. We are really looking forward to a fantastic year in Year 4 and look forward to sharing your learning journey. We’re positive this will be a great year you’ll enjoy your time in Robins.
Miss Castree and Miss Force
PE Day is Monday - P.E. kit should be:
- a white or blue t-shirt / polo shirt.
- Black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings.
- Trainers
- A school jumper or cardigan can also be worn.
Reading to take place daily at home, as well as in school. Diaries should be signed and dated each day.
We have introduced a Rainbow Reading Challenge to celebrate all home reading.
Please ensure you have your water bottles and suitable clothing (weather dependent)
Correct school uniform should be worn at all times.
Regularly check Class Dojo for updates and messages.